Support us in building solutions-oriented connections throughout our society.

Your contributions, big or small, make a huge impact in OSI’s reach and operations.

(We’re a young organization – your donation helps us cover the cost of events, website upkeep, licenses, part-time staff, outreach and development, branding, travel, and all the other fun things we’re working on these days in order to scale!)

Thank you for backing us.

“It was such a privilege and pleasure to be apart of OSI’s event for discussing homelessness in Palm Beach County and learn more about the topic and issue from experts in the field. OSI provides a great environment for thoughtful discussion and critical thinking regarding many issues in our community and across the globe. Loved being there and love the work OSI is doing to provide areas where people can acknowledge and discuss topics that our society is facing.”

— Sam Mackey, Graduate Student, Barista

(attended solutions forum 4)